
EV Charger Management Pricing: Find Your Perfect Plan

Startup Plans

If you're just beginning your journey into the EV charging industry, our startup-friendly pricing allows you to enter the market with minimal financial stress. We offer cost-effective options that enable you to get started without a significant upfront investment.

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Charger Limit

Additional Charger

White-Label Mobile App Implementation

API EndPoints Access

App Hosting Rights

Backend Management Portal

OCPP Server Gateway

EV User Web App

Payment Gateway Integration

Location Partner & Customer

Partner & Customer Management

Partner Wallet & Settlements

Partner Portal Access

Location & Site Management

Private & Captive Charging Groups

Home Charging Monetization

Partner Subscription

Partner Revenue Sharing

EV User

EV User Management

Transaction, Invoice & Wallet

RFID Card Management


Coupons & Discount

Reservation & Booking

Idling Fees

Ensure universal compatibility with Evoltsoft's EV charging management software, meticulously tested and OCPP compliant, making it seamlessly compatible with a diverse range of chargers for a hassle-free charging experience.
Charge Point

Charge Point Management

Charging Sessions

Remote Actions & OCPP Logs

Tariff Management

Smart Charging Profile & Load Management

Anomalies Logs & Notifications  

EV Roaming - OCPI


EV Charger Model Database

QR Code Generator

OCPP Testing Tool

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Optional @ Additional Fee
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Contact Us for White-Label Fees, "Committed Use" Discount Plans & Lifetime Ownership Plans